list of items for 1914 - 1939 in Times They Were A-Changing

The term ‘appeasement’ is used to describe the response of British foreign policy makers in the 1930s to the rise of the dictator powers, especially Nazi Germany…
New Industries
The suffering and unemployment of the old industrial areas have frequently dominated views of the period between the wars…
Responses to the Great Depression
Britain in the 1930s saw an increase in support for extremist groups as the economic crisis deepened…
The General Strike, 1926
The General Strike began on 3rd May 1926…
Unemployment and the Great Depression
The 1930s in Britain have been referred to as the 'Hungry Thirties'; a picture of poverty with lines of broken, unemployed men…
Women in Trade Unions
In contrast to the successes for women's trade unionism before the First World War, the period between the wars saw a slump in membership…